Stegner grew up in the rugged wilderness of Northern California. His heart belongs to the outdoors and this is where he finds his sense of adventure that fuels his writing. His expertise in surviving harsh conditions and overcoming challenges adds realism and excitement to his stories. He shares his knowledge and skills with his readers and shows them how to adapt and thrive in any situation.

Maxwell Stegner was born in 1984 and lived most of his life in Ukiah, California before moving to the Bay Area where he currently resides with his beautiful wife and two children. He invites you to join him on his writing journey and discover the wonders of speculative fiction, and many other genera’s of writing. He promises to take you on a thrilling ride that will challenge your mind and stir your emotions.

Read more from Maxwell right HERE.



Maxwell Stegner

The waves crashed against the sides of the boat, rocking it violently as we sailed further into the heart of the ocean. The salty air filled my lungs, mingling with the excitement and trepidation that coursed through my veins. We were a group of adventurers, seeking the thrill of the unknown, but little did we know that the unknown would soon seek us.

As the sun began its descent, casting an eerie glow across the water, a sense of unease settled upon us. The once jovial atmosphere turned somber, as if the very air had thickened with an unspoken dread. I glanced at my companions, their faces etched with concern, but we pressed on, determined to uncover the secrets that lay beneath the surface.

"It's getting darker," Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible over the crashing waves. "I don't like this."

I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest. "Something doesn't feel right. But we can't turn back now. We've come too far."

Suddenly, the boat jolted violently, nearly throwing us off balance. We clung to the rails, desperately trying to maintain our footing. Panic filled the air as we realized that something was attacking the boat. The growls grew louder, more menacing, and the water around us churned with an unseen force.

"What the hell is happening?" Mark shouted; his voice laced with fear.

"I don't know, but we need to hold on!" I yelled back, my voice drowned out by the chaos.

Then, with a deafening crash, a massive creature breached the surface. Its monstrous form towered above us, its slick, scaled skin glistening in the fading light. Its eyes, glowing with a malevolent hunger, locked onto our trembling vessel. The sea monster had found its prey.

"Oh my god!" Sarah screamed; her voice filled with terror. "What is that thing?"

I watched in horror as the creature's massive jaws opened wide, revealing rows upon rows of razor-sharp teeth. It lunged towards us, its gaping maw descending upon the boat. Chaos erupted as my companions screamed and scrambled for safety. But there was nowhere to hide.

"No! No!" Mark shouted; his voice filled with desperation. "We have to do something!"

But before we could react, the sea monster's teeth tore through the wooden planks, splintering them like twigs. The boat groaned and creaked under the immense pressure, threatening to collapse at any moment. I could feel the spray of seawater on my face as the creature thrashed about, its fury unmatched.

"Help! Somebody help!" Sarah cried; her voice drowned out by the creature's roars.

One by one, my companions fell victim to the sea monster's relentless assault. Limbs were torn from bodies, blood stained the water, and agonized screams filled the air. I watched in horror as my friends were devoured, their lives extinguished in an instant. The sea monster showed no mercy, no remorse.

I clung to the remnants of the boat, my heart pounding in my chest. The sea monster circled, its eyes fixed on me, as if savoring the fear that radiated from my trembling body. I knew that my time was running out, that I was but a mere morsel in its insatiable hunger.

With a final surge of strength, I dove into the water, hoping to escape the clutches of the sea monster. But it was futile. The creature was faster, stronger, and it seized me in its monstrous grip. Its teeth sank into my flesh, tearing through muscle and bone. Agony consumed me as I felt my life force drain away.

As darkness closed in, I caught a glimpse of the sea monster's eyes, filled with a perverse satisfaction. It had claimed its prize, leaving nothing but a trail of carnage in its wake. The ocean swallowed me whole, my body sinking into its depths, joining the countless others who had fallen victim to the sea monster's wrath.

And so, the sea monster returned to the depths, its hunger momentarily sated. But the memory of its terror would forever haunt those who had witnessed its gruesome power. The ocean, once a symbol of beauty and tranquility, had become a realm of nightmares, where the line between life and death blurred, and the sea monster reigned supreme.