Ryan Thomas LaBee (He/Him) is an English/Creative writing Graduate from Missouri State University. He is a photographer, filmmaker, writer, and veteran. His work is available or forthcoming in Writing Lifeworlds: An Anthology of Creative Nonfiction, Flash Fiction Magazine, Night Picnic Journal, and Microfiction Monday Magazine. Ryan is the founder and editor-in-chief of Pyre Magazine. Ryan's first novella, Killing My Flesh Without You, is available now with his forthcoming Halloween Anthology, The Halloween Party: and Other Tales of All Hallows Eve Terror, set to drop on October 3rd. He lives in Southwest Missouri with his wife and daughters and their menagerie of domesticated animals.

MindLearn A.I. Tutoring Program - A User Questionnaire Form


Ryan Thomas LaBee

Important Notice

This questionnaire is a critical tool for investigating and recording any concerns or unusual experiences related to the MindLearn A.I. Tutoring Program. We take all user feedback seriously and aim to better understand any reported incidents that may or may not have occurred while using our program. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, and it plays a vital role in enhancing the MindLearn A.I. Tutoring Program. We value your time and support.

*Legal Disclaimer: This questionnaire neither confirms nor accepts the factual nature of the reported occurrences or assumes liability for any purported paranormal or unexplained events. CogniTeach Corporation, the creator of the MindLearn A.I. Tutoring Program, does not endorse claims of program sentience or the existence of supernatural entities.

Section 1: User Information

  1. Name:

  2. Email Address:

  3. Phone Number:

  4. Occupation:

  5. How did you first hear about MindLearn?

  6. History of mental illness? (Yes/No)

  7. Describe your current belief system.

  8. Do you subscribe to the belief in the supernatural? (Yes/No)

Section 2: Unusual or Unsettling Experiences

Please describe any unusual events or occurrences experienced using the MindLearn A.I. Tutoring Program. Check all that apply.

[ ] Distorted Audio: Incomprehensible voices or sounds during lessons.

[ ] Visual Anomalies: Flickering screens, eerie shadows, or unexpected images.

[ ] Aberrant Messages: Receiving unsettling or cryptic responses from the A.I.

[ ] Memory Intrusion: Recollection of deeply traumatic or distressing memories.

[ ] Inexplicable Phenomena: Objects moving, temperature fluctuations, or unexplained sensations.

[ ] Communication with Unknown Entities: Experiences of conversations with unidentified, potentially malevolent entities.

[ ] Altered State of Mind: Unusual feelings of dread, paranoia, or disorientation.

Section 3: Context and Timeline

Please provide a detailed timeline of your interactions with the MindLearn A.I. Tutoring Program. Include dates, times, and locations of use. Describe the setting or environment where these experiences occurred. Check the box if you used the Program in any of the following locations:

[ ] A cabin in the woods.

[ ] Near a large body of water.

[ ] An ancient burial ground.

[ ] A hospital.

[ ] An abandoned insane asylum.

[ ] A haunted house.

[ ] High school prom.

[ ] Texas

Section 4: Effects on Well-Being

If you have encountered any "unsettling" or "unexplainable" experiences, please describe how they have impacted your well-being, mental state, or daily life in specific terms.

Section 5: Communication with MindLearn Support

Did you contact the MindLearn support team to report these occurrences or seek assistance? If so, please provide details of your interactions and their responses.

Section 6: Witness Accounts

Were there any witnesses present during the unsettling events? If so, please provide their names, contact information, and their perspectives on what transpired.

Section 7: Termination and Resolution

[ ] Have you ceased using the MindLearn A.I. Tutoring Program?

[ ] If not, are you considering discontinuing its use?

[ ] If you have discontinued its use, did the unsettling experiences cease?

Section 8: The Tragic Peculiar, Missouri Incident

  1. Have you heard about the crimes committed against the eight members of the Clark Family?

  2. Where did you first learn about the Peculiar incident?

  3. How would you describe your belief regarding what occurred?

  4. Do you believe the child's claims that the MindLearn A.I. Tutoring Program could contact supernatural entities?

  5. Do you believe in demons? (Yes/No)

  6. If so, do you think demons can influence people to commit atrocities?

  7. Have you heard any voices besides your own while using the MindLearn A.I. Tutoring Program? (Yes/No)

  8. Have you heard of any other occurrences in the news linked to the MindLearn A.I. Tutoring Program? (Yes/No)

Section 9: Additional Comments

Please include any additional information, thoughts, or feelings regarding your experiences with the MindLearn A.I. Tutoring Program that you believe are pertinent to this investigation.


Thank you for taking the time to complete this Inquiry Form and providing us with your experiences with the MindLearn A.I. Tutoring Program. Your contribution is invaluable as we strive to comprehend and address the unsettling incidents linked to this program. If further questions arise during our investigation, we will contact you promptly. Please be assured that your safety and well-being are our top priorities. While we do not believe you are in immediate danger, for the sake of your mental well-being, we recommend discontinuing your use of the program for the time being.