Today on MASTERS OF HORROR we get to know a little bit more about a true dyed-in-the-wool horror juggernaut. With 36 horror titles on his Amazon page, this Serbian Superman has solidified himself as a force of nature in the indie horror market. He’s constantly writing and producing amazing stories that grip you by the throat and make you beg for mama. Usually, Boris knocks out wicked stand-alones but recently he’s put together a series called INFECTED CITY. For horror lovers this should be an automatic buy. I know it is for me. Now let’s get to know this horror legend!

  1. Tell me a little about yourself.

    I was born and raised in Serbia, and that's where I still live. Before becoming an author, I worked as a security guard, a fitness coach, and an English and business communications coach. I've been lucky enough to be able to support myself full-time as an author, so I quit everything else.

  2. Why write horror? What is it about writing terrifying scenes that excites you?

    There's nothing quite like the feeling of dread while you're waiting for something to jump at you, or having to look under your bed nothing's hiding there, or being too scared to turn off the lights. I think everybody who likes horror is sort of an adrenaline junkie. We're always chasing the next scare that's going to get our pulse through the roof.

  3. What’s the scariest book you’ve read? And why?

    There have been quite a few scary books I've read, but the one at the top of my list is HEX by Thomas Olde Heuvelte. Rather than relying on cheap jump scares, the book utilizes cosmic horror derived from the most basic fears, and that works really well to build the suspense. It also makes you think of horror that exists beyond man's comprehension - a "staring into the abyss for too long" sort of thing. 

  4. What are you working on now? Is it a standalone? Part of a series?

    I'm working on a few projects that I can't talk too much about right now. All I can say is, it's going to be heavy both emotionally and in terms of horror.

  5. Where can we find you?





I want to thank Boris Bacic for being kind enough to share some of his life with all of us. He’s a man of few words, but that’s all right, because he saves them for his terrifying stories that will scare and entertain generations to come. I can’t wait to dive into his INFECTED CITY series.

I love learning about the lives of fellow horror writers. Where they grew up, what jobs they do to keep the lights on while they toil away on their next classic horror novel. What scares them? What they’re reading? What drives them to create the stories we all love to devour? So thanks again Boris for letting us peek behind the curtain on the life of an amazing talent!

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