Maxwell Stegner, originally from Ukiah, California, is a celebrated author and knife maker, now living in the Bay Area with his family. His debut novel, the first in the 'Behind the Curtain' trilogy, was a resounding success, sparking a passion for writing that continues to thrive. Maxwell's works, primarily in literary fiction, captivate readers with their immersive narratives and intricate world-building. His storytelling, much like his knife making, is a craft that requires patience, precision, and a keen eye for detail. As he continues his writing journey, Maxwell invites readers to join him in exploring the depths of human emotion and experience through his stories.

 Check out more of Max’s work right HERE.



Maxwell Stegner

I could hardly believe the fateful twist that had befallen me on this moonlit Valentine's night. As the clock struck midnight, a sinister shadow slipped through the cracks of my bedroom window, its malevolent presence suffusing the air with a palpable sense of dread.

I trembled beneath my sheets, my heart pounding in my chest, as I became acutely aware of the enigmatic figure standing at the foot of my bed. Clad in what looked like ancient roman underwear. Blood dripped from its wings but also bared an eerie resemblance to a cherubic cupid, this vile being exuded an otherworldly aura that seeped into the very fabric of my being.

Without uttering a word, the sinister cupid raised its bow, its arrow glinting ominously in the pale moonlight. A cold gust of wind swept through the room, carrying the stench of decay and despair. My mind raced, trying to comprehend the twisted fate that had chosen me to be the instrument of violence against my own beloved.

As the cupid's arrow, was poised to be launched, a surge of dark energy coursed through me. It felt as if my veins were aflame, twisted desires gnawing at the edges of my sanity. I was no longer in control of my own actions; I had become an unwilling accomplice to this nightmarish cupid.

With each step I took towards my sleeping partner, whispers of wicked intent echoed in my mind. The innocent slumber that graced her features seemed like an affront to the vile cupid's design. A veil of madness descended upon me, obscuring the love that once bound us together, and replacing it with a sinister longing for destruction.

My hand, trembling with a grotesque mixture of fear and anticipation, reached for the aluminum baseball bat that lay beside my bed. The cold touch of metal against my fingertips was a chilling reminder of the horrors that awaited us both. My heart raced as I stood over her, the weight of the bat heavy in my grip. The sinister cupid watched on, its evil smile glimmering in the darkness. Its presence seemed to amplify the whispers in my mind, urging me on, pushing me towards the unthinkable.

I hesitated for a moment, a pang of remorse gnawing at my conscience. But it was swiftly drowned out by the twisted desires that consumed me. The room seemed to close in on us, suffocating and claustrophobic, as if it reveled in the impending violence.

With trembling hands, I raised the bat high above my head, ready to strike. Time stood still, every breath suspended in the air as I grappled with the choice before me. A part of me yearned to break free from the evil influence, to resist its dark enchantment and save us both from this nightmare. But as I looked into the face of the woman I love, peaceful and oblivious to the danger that loomed above her, a surge of darkness overcame me once more. The sinister cupid's whispers grew louder, its presence suffocating any remnants of my former self. I felt a cruel satisfaction rush through me, fueling the ill will that had taken hold.

In one swift motion, I brought the bat crashing down with a sickening thud. The room seemed to shudder, as if in protest against the heinous act I had just committed. A deafening silence followed, broken only by the sound of my ragged breaths and the weight of guilt settling upon my shoulders.

As I stood there, unable to tear my eyes away from the lifeless body before me, a profound sense of emptiness enveloped my being. The sinister cupid, seemingly pleased with its dark triumph, slowly faded away into the night, leaving behind an indelible mark on my soul.

The hours that followed were a blur of torment and guilt. I stumbled through the motions of life, unable to escape the horrific memory of what I had done. My once loving partner, now nothing more than a lifeless shell, haunted my every waking moment.

The night was a cruel accomplice, enveloping me in its embrace as sinister shadows danced along the walls. Sleep eluded me as I relived the horror of my past actions, trapped in a never-ending cycle of torment and self-torment. Every time I closed my eyes, the darkness seemed to devour me whole, offering no escape from the haunting memories that plagued me.

As the night descended, I found myself sprawled on the damp, muddy ground of the desolate park near my home. The distant sound of two men conversing echoed in my ears.

"Open up room three. We need to restrain Pete again."

"I overheard him last night, plotting to murder his wife. It's like he's trapped in his own demented mind, torturing himself for a crime he never committed."

"Come on Pete, let's bring you back to reality."

I felt a sharp prick in my leg and before I could react, everything faded to black. When I awoke, I was no longer lying in the comforting grass but on the cold, unforgiving concrete floor of the Mendocino State Asylum for the Insane. The same hellish place that has caged me for three decades of my forty-year existence.

My life has been one long struggle to claim what I never had. To find solace in a world that seems to have forgotten me. The staff treats me with a mixture of empathy and indifference, their voices just another blur in the endless sea of faces.

My existence in this facility is a constant reminder of the darkness that resides within me. The faint glow of the fluorescent lights illuminates the endless corridors, their ceaseless hum a cruel mockery of the life I never led. The other patients here, each confined to the shackles of their own demons, offer nothing more than hollow echoes. They too are controlled by the sinister cupid, bound by the chains of guilt and torment for their past actions.