In the diverse landscapes of America, from Minnesota's heartland to Chicago's bustling streets, Joseph A. Sackett's early years unfurled. But it was his two-decade-long journey in the military's special operations that profoundly shaped him. Within these years, he witnessed humanity's darker shades, glimpsing the fragility beneath society's facade, understanding how swiftly it could crumble to its knees.

Joseph's writing is an extension of this fascination, a canvas where he paints the vulnerability and resilience of mankind. He draws from his experiences, crafting narratives that reveal society's weaknesses and the indomitable spirit that arises in response.

You can read more from Joseph right HERE.



Joseph Sackett

Laura's breaths came in ragged gasps that rang through the dimly lit corridors of the old hospital. The air was thick that night, punctuated only by the distant, muffled sounds of New Year's celebrations beyond the walls. Her room, once a symbol of hope and new beginnings, now felt like a sinister trap, its gothic windows casting long, haunting shadows across the sterile walls.

The doctor, a middle-aged man with a weary look that spoke of too many long nights, shuffled his feet uneasily. He avoided Laura's intense gaze, his face a mask of nervousness, as if he were a performer forgetting his lines on stage. "Just a little longer, Laura. You're doing great," he muttered, more to reassure himself than her. His hands trembled slightly as he adjusted the equipment, his eyes darting to the door as though contemplating escape.

Laura couldn't help but think about the evening she struck the deal. It was a desperate and hushed night of prayer on New Year's Eve last year. She had been grieving over yet another unsuccessful attempt at childbirth in this very hospital. In the garden's shadows, a stranger had come up to her in her lowest moments of grief. Even though his voice was velvety sweet, she still shuddered.

His eyes glistened with an ethereal radiance, "Do you crave a child with such fervor that you would dare to entwine your fate with forces beyond your comprehension Laura?"

"I would give anything," Laura whispered, her voice choked with tears.

"Anything can be a dangerous offer," he had said, a sly smile playing on his lips. "But on this night, such a pact can be made."

And so, she had agreed, without knowing the true cost.

Her room's corners were covered with shadows that seemed to be hiding secrets in their sinister depths. The nurses gathered in a cirlcle, their words a susurrus that slithered throughout the room like a cold breeze, their ancient uniforms were tales of a bygone past.

One nurse left the group and walked up to Laura's bedside, her eyes a pale, disturbing shade. "You are the chosen, Laura," she said, her voice a strange lullaby that made Laura's spine tingle. "Your womb has nurtured a beacon, a herald of the darkness to come."

Laura felt a knot of fear build in her gut, causing her to gasp for air. "What do you mean?" she blurted as she looked about the room in an attempt to find some sense of normalcy.

The nurse leaned in closer, her breath a cold whisper against Laura's ear. "Your child, born at the stroke of midnight, is the key to an ancient gate. A gate that has remained closed, waiting for the one who would unlock it."

"I just wanted a child," Laura's voice cracked, "I didn't understand what I was doing..."

The nurse, her expression unchanging, leaned in closer, her touch like ice on Laura's skin. "Ah, but the yearnings spoken in shadows often find their way to ears lurking in the darkness," she whispered, her tone eerily calm. "And once they have listened, the whispered pacts cannot be undone."

This was too much for Laura. The room, the sinister nurse, the impending doom – it all converged into a moment of terrifying clarity. With a sudden surge of panic-fueled strength, Laura recoiled, her voice erupting in a scream, "Get away from me! Leave me alone!"

The doctor put his hands together and began to repeat an old prayer, "Deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom," his eyes wide with fright and his voice scarcely audible.

In that tense atmosphere, Laura summoned her last reserves of strength and, with a cry that mingled pain with determination, brought her child into the world.

The newborn's cry was unlike any other; it was a sound that seemed to reverberate beyond the walls of the room, carrying a weight and a power that defied nature. Laura, her hands shaking, reached out to cradle her baby.

The doctor stopped praying and retreated as though propelled by an invisible force. He muttered, "What have we just done?" His huge, fearful and awestruck gaze never left the young one. "This is no ordinary birth... no ordinary child."

The nurses bowed their head and a janitor, who had been lurking in the shadows, stepped forward with a grin wide and knowing.

"The pact is complete," he said. "The child of the new year is born, a bridge between worlds."

Laura held her newborn, heart pounding with the enormity of her actions. She had yearned for a child, but at what unfathomable cost? The baby's cries, more a chilling prophecy than the sweet sounds of new life, signaled not just a birth, but the dawn of a terrifying new era.

The room grew unnaturally cold, lights flickering, casting eerie shadows. Suddenly, the infant's eyes snapped open, revealing not innocence, but a vortex of dark energy. The hospital shook as if in the grip of an earthquake, reality itself warping around the child.

The doctor, his face drained of color, stumbled backwards. "It's... not possible," he whispered. "This child... it's a gateway to another realm!"

Outside, fireworks morphed into a celestial vortex, mirroring the child's eyes. Festive cheers turned to panicked screams as the night sky tore open, unveiling an abyss beyond human understanding.

Laura, cradling the epicenter of this cataclysm, realized with a horrifying clarity: she had birthed not merely a being, but a pivot for the world's fate.

Alarms blared, people fled, but Laura sat immobilized, holding the harbinger of a dark, new age. The world outside unraveled, the first night of the year marking the start of an era shrouded in darkness spawned from her own desires.

This was no ordinary child; it was an embodiment of a primal force, a key to unknown realms. Its arrival heralded the end of one world and the unnerving birth of another. It was Hell on Earth.